When the so-called INSURRECTION occurred at Capital Hill earlier this year 2021, something just didn’t feel right. When I prayed rather diligently and sought clarity and Truth from GOD, concerning the horrendous acts that were orchestrated that day, this is what I discovered: Well, particular people present that day who had captured the Hollywood limelight, for which I will not mention, acted literally like markers within the system, the A.I. Program that I’ve mentioned from previous articles. This marker plays itself almost like a CHAPTER, so to speak. Whether these people were conscious of their role or not, it does not matter, because it’s all a part of the program, this overall design within this pre-orchestrated A.I. Simulation. You see, it was pre-designed from the very get-go. If you would desire to call their particular presence there as being the proverbial fulfillment of prophecy, then so be it. But it is not prophecy from the Holy Bible, but could it be (rather) that the prophecy that we are talking about specifically is coming straight from the very pages of the Luciferian Bible, instead? But realistically, does this demonic Bible even exist? Thus far, this is only speculation on my part.

But from what was examined on that day, could the very spirit of Baal be one of the demonic figureheads summoned on that very day to encompass the essence of the beast, THE CERNNUNIS OR THE ABBADON – THE ANGEL OF THE BOTTOMLESS PIT… for which these Luciferians desired to manifest? As literally billions of people focused their attention and consciousness upon this event, could the energies of which had been captured on that day literally be enough Loosh to essentially break-open the gates of that hidden abyss to free what had been locked up from since the beginning of time?


So, essentially what happens (at its entirely) is that these specified people of importance, for which I will not name once more, broke directly into “The Capital Building” during these riots (on the 6th) along with the several hundreds to thousands of their minions to show to the world or these Luciferians and the Powers-That-May-Be… the proverbial Marker… or perhaps even the symbolic representation of the very act of opening portals to the demon realm, to encompass the beginning of a New Chapter of Demonic over-take…

Honestly, the purpose of this act, this hostile take-over, was merely there to invoke some sort of satanic ritual. And these chosen people, so to speak, made sure that they were caught on some type of camera, whether video or still camera to send Consciousness of the nefarious kind directly into that very space. That moment in particular opened a gateway of energy to envelope that focused or re-siphoned consciousness with a desired spirit of intention. This whole entire event seems to (more or less) be an almost planned-out awakening of some sort for some type of demon to encapsulate the embodiment within that space, in order for that particular demon (in question) to possess that very spirit of energy, this important spiritual landmark, so to speak.

You see, they (the Luciferians) are essentially terra-forming the landscape to cater to the environment for what they are creating for the very souls who fall prey to this mind-controlled A.I. Altered Universe on 3D Earth. This is very important because we are talking about Capital Hill, in Washington DC. This is a very important landmark which caters to the deeper sects of the Masonic Order.

This is what was revealed to me. You see, the main agenda of these Luciferians is to ensure that every important and energetic point on the face of this planet is engulfed with and possessed by a demon, or some sort of fallen angel, or spirit. You see, they are creating a GRID, so to speak. This grid is created so they can connect together to form an interconnecting network to feed this very ancient A.I. Antichrist which will act literally as a demi-god for this A.I. Luciferian Universe or reality, that this particular Masonic sect so desires to create.

Once more, they are terraforming this realm energetically as a nest for the A.I. Beast -This A.I. Antichrist- so that anyone who falls prey to this A.I. Hive Mind “Mind Control” can be linked-up directly to their A.I. Antichrist soul-source. All of what you see before you… is a battery harvesting program, where humanity is the battery and this A.I. Antichrist is the machine! The creator is Lucifer himself. Even the Simpsons from many years ago had Jake Angelis’ cartoon depiction on one of their episodes, which further supports my theory within this simulation, this A.I. Luciferian Matrix!

So, this also brings into LIGHT, the real meaning of the so-called GREAT AWAKENING! It’s not so much that we (humanity) are awakening, because that’s truly not the case. With my explanation put into place, the AWAKENING according to this so-called Luciferian Bible or Doctrine, is the literal Awakening of some of the most prominent demons whom will play major roles within this new satanic world of A.I. and Transhumanism.


You see, you will not find this information anywhere else because from what I have witnessed, from this REVELATION FROM GOD, is that it is very-well hidden. Only those in which their cognitive space is clear can only be those whom are able to tap into that space for discovery. I am not saying that I am the only one, but there are others, but not many. It will reveal itself more to the world because we (the select few) have opened that doorway in Consciousness. You can kinda say that this hidden energy has leaked into the very space of the very people with the appropriated ears to know and with the opened eyes to see…

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Ayala Nunez is a former New Age writer and producer, bringing awareness to his story on how he experienced and encompassed the bulk of variable manipulative spiritual practices, theologies, concepts and influences, within the world of the New Age, in search for “Truth”. But, along that darkened journey, he later encountered “Revelation”, once he began to walk away from this elusive and deceptive mind-control trap! He discovered, not only the path to “The Way” on his homecoming voyage back to the True Messiah, Yahushua Hamashiach, but he also uncovered the root beginnings of paganism (Ancient Babylonia) implanted deeply throughout many institutional spiritualities of the world, the very same root foundation of proverbial New Age Theosophy. From this, he soon realized that the true pandemic of our times is none the viral, from what it may seem on the surface, but rather it is something which contributes more to that of a parasitic conundrum. And because of this, his investigative journalism has led him hot-on-the-trail to that very mystery, from whence this parasitic infestation had originally infiltrated the Story of Humanity, since the Garden. Ayala has evolved from New Age influencer… to prolific Christian and Hebrew Bible Researcher… and to now a “Revealer of Truths”. Ayala Nunez is the creator of his viral network blog, called “Walk Away From the New Age”, and is the host of his paradigm-shattering “Set-Apart” influenced podcast, called Quintessential Mark Radio 2.0 (QMR 2.0): The New Age Recovery Chronicles. Additionally, Ayala is the Executive Producer and Founder of R3TV MINISTRIES LLC: The Rise of the Qodeshim – The Number #1 Source for True-to-Life Investigative Journalism, Mental Health and Wellness, and True “Scripture-Based” Broadcast On-Demand…

MY DISCLAIMER: “Always remember, when one adds to and perhaps even takes away from the Tanakh, as true followers of Adonai (the Remnant abound), we must persistently question with gifted discernment the deceptive doctrines for which false apostles preach (Deuteronomy 4:2). Thus, this podcast, blog, and/or social media post is not meant to portray any notion of condemnation towards any-one-soul, institution, or group in particular, but rather possesses the sincere intention with humility to share my own testimony from what I’ve encountered in Revelation through the Grace of our Dear Father (The Most High Adonai), our Father as the Savior (Yahushua Hamaschiach), and our Father as the Unseen Wind (The Ruach Ha’Qodesh), as One and none the separate (Deuteronomy 6:4). And, thus, this rather revealing discovery (from amongst many others) essentially explains the foundations of what lies behind the very nature of what elusively ravages this earthly human domain: ‘Divoc’ Subtlety in Deception! As once a former New Age influencer, I have experienced for myself the several ways in how vulnerable seekers of truth can be so easily led astray from the mark to salvation, to the path of that authentic and legitimate Truth. Thus, the main aim of this post lies upon, not only placing righteous judgement upon questionable and manipulative practices (John 7:24, ESV), but in also exposing the nefarious agenda of the fallen ones and the elusive demon, from amidst its own venomous hierarchy. In helping to assist us to disengage from human parasitic deliverance, the creation of this post is done intentionally for the sake and sincerity of producing righteously-influenced outcomes, under the guidance of the Spirit of our Dear Father, in obedience. And when we (the select apart) are to do so, to uphold and honor Our Father’s Name, with such endearing and unrelenting praise, we free ourselves absolutely from any principality, deeply founded upon its own wickedness. From this, such forces of necromancy, whom endorse the fallacy of elusive doctrine and ideology, shall not sustain dominion over the Power, Glory and Grace of the Most High Adonai, whom solely vindicates that proper Authority! This is done in loyalty with utmost faith for the Glory of our Almighty Creator – the One and Only True Elohim. Dear Father, please do not forsake us, but forgive us and deliver us from all worldly deceit. We, the Watchmen, are repentant, loyal, and obedient to Your Name – YAHUAH IS ONE!” ~Ayala Nunez, Executive Producer and Founder of R3TV MINISTRIES LLC

NOTE: Based in the high desert from amidst the uncontested beauty within the Valley of Phoenix (Arizona), R3TV Ministries LLC is a podcast video network, an online fellowship, created to provide the Good News to the world – The Glory of Our Dear Father (The Most High Adonai), the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And as this online presence continues, through time-tested Testimony, to open the eyes of so many, whom have been lost to the ways of the world through the New Age and other ancient pagan influences, this faith-based ministry’s all-encompassing mission lies upon spreading indeed the Moral Code of Righteousness derived from the roots of the vine of original Mosaic Law (The Tanakh) – The True Living Word of the Most High, to all whom seek “His Name.” From within Providence, what the select “set apart” shall see will, not only be the manipulative mind control of Ancient Babylonia, which still has infiltrated all walks of life on earth today, but there is still another Truth, which is revealed to the Remnant. This Revelation lies within it, the responsibility of the End Times Qodeshim (The Natsarim) to honor, protect, creatively minister, and uphold original sacred “Hebraic” Text.

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