Supersessionism, also called Replacement Theology or fulfillment theology, is a Christian theological doctrine which describes the theological conviction that the Pagan Christian Church has literally superseded the true roots of the Hebrew Faith Belief System in assuming their role as the Most High’s covenanted people. As a Mental Healthcare professional, for over 20 years within the field, it is quite clear to see the Narcissism and the gas-lighting exhibited by the Christian Church! Techniques used, such as replacement theology, is clearly evident!

“Between Greek-to-Latin-to-English, one cannot neglect to acknowledge the works of gentile nations in how they applied Replacement Theology to superimpose the pagan, or the water-down meaning, from the original Hebrew!”

According to the Jewish Voice, “The source of Replacement Theology came about in the first century. The Messianic/Christian debt to Hebrew Scripture, Jewish exegesis, and divine revelation were evident to all followers of The Way. In fact, Jewish-Christian relations, in spite of second and third century Christian elitist assaults upon all things Jewish, continued with good rhythm and solid relationship until the mid-fourth century with the advent of the First Council of Nicaea. At the Council of Nicaea, under Constantine’s oversight, the Church formally disconnected from the Jewish roots of Christian theology and practice by separating the celebration of Easter from the Celebration of Passover. But the sentiments of the Bishops at Nicaea have their foundations in debates that began in the second century. Justin Martyr crafted his Dialogue with Trypho the Jew on the heels of the Bar Kochba uprising in the Land of Israel, then under Roman rule, and first called “Palestine”, in 135 C.E. The Dialogue was finally published in 150 C.E. some 15 years before Justin’s martyrdom. Here Justin made his strong case for a ‘New Israel,’ a ‘True Israel’, in replacement of biblical Israel―hence, the term ‘Replacement Theology’ or ‘Supersessionism’ that the Church supersedes Israel.” CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE SOURCE

“LET’S BE REAL! There are over 8 holy days mentioned in Scripture, and Christianity does not observe a ‘SINGLE ONE’ of them! Now, let that sink in! The ‘Church’ only celebrates the Tradition of Men!—Another pure example of Replacement Theology!”

According to Wikipedia, “Supersessionalism also called Replacement Theology or Fulfillment Theology, is a Christian Theology which describes the theological conviction that the Christian Church has superseded the nation of Israel assuming their role as God’s new covenanted people, thus asserting that ‘The New Covenant’ through Jesus Christ has superseded or replaced the Mosaic Covenant, exclusive to Jews. Supersessionist theology also holds that the universal Christian Church has succeeded ancient Israel as God’s true Israel and that Christians have succeeded the ancient Israelites as the people of God. Paul, the Apostle, is often cited by those who believe that Jewish Law (Mosaic Law) is no longer valid. Often claimed by later Christians to have originated with Paul, the apostle, in the New Testament, Supersessionism has formed a core tenet of Eastern Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic (RCC), and Protestant churches for the majority of the Early Christian Church’s history. Many early Church Fathers—including Justin Martyr and Augustine of Hippo—were supersessionists.” CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE SOURCE

“Another Pagan deity popularly glorified as another form of Replacement Theology is the name Yahweh! Up to this very day, after 3000 years or so, ‘Yahweh’ is still preached, a millions-times-on-over, by prideful Christian Pastors alike!”

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Did you catch that? Paul can also be categorized as literally the “Classic Supersessionalist”, a prominent proponent of Replacement Theology, from whereby “The Olden (Original) Covenant of Mosaic Law and in Torah” is replaced and superseded by the creation of Paul’s Gospel, “His Gospel”, called Christianity. So, as established within the previous chapter, Chapter Seven: Paul, Legalism, Gaslighting, the Hive Mind, and the Book of Daniel, Paul is, not only Anti-Messiah (Anti-Legalist), but Paul is also a Supersessionalist, a prime candidate of infamy as being one of the very first among leaders of this Antisemitic Movement. And the very first institution which captures the very essence of this movement is the “Early Pagan Christian Church”. It is the ancient form of our modern day Cancel Culture Society, as the self-proclaimed Apostle Paul replaces and supersedes the Gospel of the Messiah, Yahusha Hamshiach.

According to Jim Showers, in his article entitled, Replacement Theology: The Black Sheep of Christendom, Showers writes, “If you were to remove Replacement Theology from the Early Church to the Modern-Day Christian Church, today, their entire system of eschatology would collapse! And why is this? Well, because if God has not replaced Israel (as we believe), then you must handle all the passages dealing with the Tribulation and Millennial Kingdom as being literal with a future fulfillment. Suddenly the primary justification for developing Amillennialism or Postmillennialism is eliminated. Replacement Theology allowed the church to believe it is the fulfillment of the Messianic Kingdom. Over time, throughout the centuries, it has fomented widespread hatred and violence against the Jewish people; and, unfortunately, its consequences are still with us today. Thus, in many ways, more than just one, such Supersessionalism is Anti-Semitic.” CLICK THIS LINK TO FOLLOW THE SOURCE

“Through Replacement Theology, the Church replaced Shavuot, the literal ‘Receiving of the Torah on Mount Sinai’, in its stead with the receiving of a so-called ‘Spirit’ on Pentecost. Don’t believe every sign and wonder! We must always Test the Spirits! Furthermore, the Scriptural Shavuot is frequently assumed to be the same as the Pagan Pentecost. But, this is not the case! It is the same Replacement Theology used to transliterate the Hebrew Bible into the ‘Hellenized’ Blasphemy of the Greek Septuagint.”


The following list are only a few of which comprises other examples of Replacement Theology imposed upon the footprint of the Hebrew peoples, Torah, Mosaic Law, and the Teachings of the Messiah:

  • The Scriptural Shavuot… was replaced by the pagan Easter holiday, a tradition of men
  • The true message of the Scriptural Shavuot… was replaced by the false doctrine of the pagan Pentecost
  • The Precedence (Law) placed by the Most High upon the blasphemers and/or builders and supporters of the Tower of Babel… was replaced by the false kundalini spirit during Christianity’s pagan Pentecost
  • The Name of the Most High “YHWH” from within the Hebrew Bible… was replaced further by Pagan implantations, such as god, lord and even “Yahweh” when the Tanakh was re-transliterated into the Greek Septuagint
  • The Biblical Feast Days… was replaced by Pagan Christian Holidays (Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, Halloween), once more non-biblical traditions of men
  • The Hebrew Bible (Tanakh)… was replaced by the Greek Septuagint, the very foundation of modern day Bibles today, such as the KJV, NIV, and the ESB
  • The Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) and/or Old Covenant… was replaced by “The New Testament” and/or the New Covenant
  • Mosaic Law… was replaced by Jesus Christ (in other words “The Law of the Most High” was abolished and nailed on the Cross)
  • Scripture, embraced by followers obedient to Mosaic, such as Deuterotomy 6:4 (ADONAI IS ONE)… was replaced by the Pagan Christian Holy Trinity at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD
  • The true meaning of Matthew 27:46 (Ancient Bantu Aramaic Translation: “Here! Here! This is for the Sabbath-Keepers”)… was replaced by “Lord! Lord! Why have you forsaken me?”
  • The Teachings of the Messiah (Yahusha Hamaschiach)… was replaced by the Teachings of Paul

“Shavuot is a very important Biblical Feast Day! Although, to the contrary, Pentecost is a Greek term, formidably Hellenized to replace ‘Shavuot’, once more another example of Replacement Theology instituted by Gentile Pagan nations! Pentecost indeed was made by Roman scribes, deceitful pens (Replacement Theology), created to hide and replace the Truth of Abba, the Father of Lights, Shavuot and Yahuah’s Feast of Shabbats.”


According to Richard Harvey, in his article entitled, Is Replacement Theology Biblical?, Harvey writes, “Early church leaders such as Irenaeus, Augustine, and Athanasius perpetuated faulty teachings such as”:

  • God’s covenant with the Jewish people was dependent on their obedience. Due to our disobedience, they believed the covenant was revoked and the Jewish people were replaced by the church.
  • The Jewish people, the Torah, the land of Israel, and our rituals no longer have any significance.
  • It is wrong for Jewish believers in Yeshua (Jesus) to observe rituals like circumcision, Shabbat, or eating kosher.

“Such teaching is closely linked to historic and present-day antisemitism. These views are (once more) not only related to the precincts of ‘replacement theology’ and/or ‘supersessionism’ but such banter is purely antisemitic. Such ideologies and vernacular were, have been, and are now today frequently used to persecute the Hebrew peoples. Figures such as John Chrysostom and Martin Luther taught that Christians should have nothing to do with Jewish people unless they converted and renounced their Jewish identity. Our loss of and exile from the land of Israel was seen as an ongoing punishment for crucifying the Messiah and a testimony to our rejection by God. Such teaching is closely linked to historic and present-day antisemitism. Jews for Ha’Maschiach strongly repudiate such views, which sadly, are still prevalent today.”

Richard Harvey further writes, “A covenant is a solemn and binding agreement which leads to a mutually committed and beneficial relationship between the covenant partners, one often superior in power to the other. The Scriptures contain hundreds of references to God’s enduring love for His people Israel, His eternal and un-cancelled covenant with them, and His commitment to the restoration of the Jewish people. But supersessionists argue that the Jewish people no longer represent the people of God and that the promises made to Israel physically in the Hebrew Bible are now only to be interpreted spiritually and metaphorically as applying to the Christian church. Passages like Galatians 3:28 (‘There is neither Jew nor Greek’), Galatians 6:16 (‘the Israel of God’), and Romans 9:6 (‘Not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel’) are often taken out of context and interpreted to spiritualize and universalize God’s irrevocable gifts and calling of Israel (Romans 9:4, 11:29) while denying the particular election of the Jewish people. We must correct this deeply rooted misunderstanding of God’s purposes for the Jewish people. While it is true that all believers are now grafted into the commonwealth of Israel (Ephesians 2:12), this does not mean that God has abandoned, rejected, or replaced His people Israel, or that His covenant promises have been cancelled or transferred to another.’” ~Richard Harvey CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE SOURCE

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Ayala Nunez is a former “New Age” writer and producer, bringing awareness to his story on how he experienced and encompassed the bulk of variable manipulative spiritual practices, theologies, concepts and influences, within the world of the “New Age Movement”, in search for Truth. But, along that darkened journey, he later encountered “Revelation”, once he began to walk away from this elusive and deceptive mind-control trap! He discovered, not only the narrow path on his homecoming voyage back to the ‘The Way’, Yahushua Ha’Mashiach “‎𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏”, but he also uncovered the root beginnings of Paganism (Ancient Babylonia) implanted deeply throughout many institutional spiritualities and religions of the world, the very same root foundation of proverbial “New Age” Theosophy. From this, he soon realized that the true pandemic of our times is none the viral, from what it may seem on the surface, but rather it is something which contributes more to that of a parasitic conundrum. And, because of this, his investigative journalism has led him hot-on-the-trail to that very mystery, from whence this symbiotic infestation had originally infiltrated the storyline of Humanity, since the Garden. Ayala has evolved from “New Age” influencer… to prolific Christian and Hebrew Bible Researcher… and to now a “Revealer of Truths” to expose the “Deception”. Ayala Nunez is the creator of his viral network blog, called “Walk Away From the New Age”, and is the host of his paradigm-shattering “Set-Apart” influenced podcast, called Quintessential Mark Radio 2.0 (QMR 2.0): The New Age Recovery Chronicles. Additionally, Ayala is the author of his book ‘Exposing the Apostasy: Tracking the Trail of the Wolf’ and is the Executive Producer and Founder of R3TV MINISTRIES LLC: The Rise of the Qodeshim—The Number #1 Source for Deep-Dive Investigative Journalism, Mental Health and Wellness, and Unapologetic “Scripture-Based” Broadcast On-Demand…

DISCLAIMER: “Always remember, when one adds to and perhaps even takes away from the Tanakh, as true ‘Set Apart’ followers of the Father, we (the Remnant) must persistently question with gifted discernment the deceptive doctrines for which faulty apostles and prophets preach (Devariym 4:2). Thus, this rather revealing discovery explains the foundations of what lies behind the very nature of what elusively ravages this earthly human domain, from what can only be described at its best, in Hebrew, as Dybbuk (דיבוק): The Elusive Subtlety of Demonic Deception! As once a former New Age influencer, I have experienced for myself the innumerable ways in how vulnerable seekers of truth can be so easily led astray from the mark to salvation, indeed to the path of that authentic and legitimate Truth. Thus, the main aim of this announcement lies upon, not only placing righteous judgement upon questionable and manipulative practices (Yochanon 7:24), but in also exposing from amidst its venomous hierarchy, the nefarious agenda of the fallen and the devilish deeds of their own succubus. In helping to assist the world, to disengage from such otherworldly influences, in human parasitic deliverance, the creation of this broadcast is intended for the sake and sincerity of producing righteously-influenced outcomes, under the guidance of the ‘Spirit of our dear Abishua’, in consecration and devotion. Thus, this podcast, blog, and/or social media post is not meant to portray any notion of condemnation towards any-one-soul, institution, or group in particular; but rather possesses the sincere intention with utmost humility to share my own testimony from what I’ve encountered in ‘Revelation’ through the grace and within the works of our Dear Father (The Most High Aluah), our Father as the Savior, Yahushua Ha’Maschiach (יהושוע), the Almighty Spirit of the Father (The Ruach Ha’Qodesh), and our Father through His Holy Word of Truth (The Tanakh), as ‘One’ and none the separate (Devariym 6:4). And when we, the Remnant, are to do so, to uphold, restore, and honor ‘His Name’, with enduring and unrelenting praise, we free ourselves indeed, separate and apart, from the clutches of any principality, deeply founded upon its own wickedness. From this, such forces of necromancy, whom endorse the fallacy of elusive doctrine and false ideology, shall not sustain dominion over the ‘Might’ of the Most High, whom solely vindicates that proper ‘Authority’. This is all done in loyalty with utmost respect in obedience for the Glory of the Alishua—Our Almighty Creator—the One and Only True Father of Lights. Dear Abba (אבא), please do not forsake us, but forgive us and deliver us from all worldly deceit, as you are the ‘Alpha and the Omega’, the ‘Beginning and the End’ (את). Please protect us with Your love and bless us with ‘Your Understanding’, and not by our own understanding. We, the ‘Watchmen’, are repentant to ‘You’. We are loyal and obedient to Your All-Powerful Name—Yahuah (𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄) is One!” ~Ayala Nunez, Executive Producer and Founder of R3TV MINISTRIES LLC

NOTE: Based in the high desert from amidst the uncontested beauty found within the Valley of Phoenix (Arizona), R3TV Ministries LLC is a podcast video network, an online fellowship, created to provide the “Good News” to the world—The Glory of ‎𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (Yahuah)—Our Almighty Father! And as this online presence continues, through time-tested Testimony, to open the eyes of so many, whom have been lost to the ways of the world through the New Age and other ancient pagan influences, this faith-based ministry’s all-encompassing mission lies upon spreading indeed the “Moral Code of Righteousness” derived from the roots of the vine of original Mosaic Law (The Tanakh)—The True Living Word of the Most High Aluah, to all whom seek “His Name”. From within providence, what the select “set apart” shall reveal, will (not only be the manipulative mind control of Ancient Babylonia which still infiltrates all walks of life on earth today); but there is still another Truth, which is meticulously ordained to the “Remnant” to reveal. This Revelation lies within it, the responsibility of the “End Times” Qodeshim (The Natsarim) to uphold, honor, protect, and to creatively minister original, ancient and sacred “Hebraic” Scriptural Doctrine (Yirmeyahu 6:16). And as the lamps of the Qodeshim indeed are filled with the infinitesimal “Light of Abba”, the “Father of Lights”, may that same illumination be revealed to those of the “Lost Sheep of Yashar-Al” whom seek the “Truth” to return back to the Father, whilst desiring to continually walk, speak, breathe and to live… in Torah.

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